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Computer Training

Instant Mentoring
Get your questions answered 24 hours a day
7 days a week by real live experts.

Instant Mentoring

You can now enhance your e-Learning with real-time access to subject-matter mentors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Students can ask their mentor to clarify concepts, fine-tune solutions, confirm a process or simply seek assurance that they understand an application. Coupling Instant Mentoring with our robust e-Learning platform allows students to adjust their training method as their need dictates...the best of both worlds!

Purchasing and Pricing
When you purchase Instant Mentoring, you gain access to the feature for all purchased courses! It's the same price for Instant Mentoring access no matter how many series of courses you buy. When you enter a course, you have access to the mentor for that course.

Access Instant Mentoring pricing (this is a 1 time charge for 1 FULL YEAR of access):

$30 with any End User Course
$40 with any Technical Course
$50 with any Course Package

You must buy courses at the same time you purchase Instant Mentoring in order to access Instant Mentoring. If you have previously purchased courses and would like to add Instant Mentoring to your subscription, please e-mail: imsales@staffkit.com.

* NOTE: Instant Mentoring is not available with Business Skills Videos or HIPAA Training.

How does Instant Mentoring work and how can it benefit you?
View this Flash presentation to understand Instant Mentoring and how it functions, along with details about the benefits of the product.

Instant Mentoring Flash Presentation

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